Benefits Of An ERISA 401(k) Plan Fiduciary In Phoenix

If you’re looking for help with competent and expert fiduciary oversight for your employee retirement plan, our professionals can assist. At Fiduciary Wise, we ensure that your participant’s best interests always come first. For an ERISA 401(k) plan fiduciary in Phoenix that you can trust, we’ll stand with you.

As the employer, you are charged by ERISA to meet it’s “prudent expert” rule; do you consider yourself such an expert? Your employees’ retirement funds must conform with all federal laws and regulations; we’ll ensure this occurs. We’ll perform semi-annual reviews of your Plan, via video conferencing, to ensure it dovetails closely with IRS and DOL Regulations.

We offer a number of benefits to our clients. First and foremost, we guarantee all corporate data is properly tracked and stored. Corporate ERISA data will need to be accessible to the regulating agencies, and we use a system that makes sure that this occurs. All accounts of participants are reconciled with all TPA reports and your annually require IRS 5500 Series Form.

Our fees are eminently reasonable, and you can terminate your contract with us at any time without penalty. Most of the responsibilities will be transferred from your shoulders to ours, which means you’ll be able to focus on day-to-day operations that will increase profits and ultimately allow you to grow your company. After all, wouldn’t you rather spend less time overseeing your Plan and more time running your business!

We have extensive expertise in the ERISA area, which means we can answer any and all of your Plan-related questions. During the preliminary consultation, we’ll provide you with an action blueprint that you can carefully review. Our goal is to work for the best interests of your Plan and the employees you value.

If you are searching for an independent 401(k) plan Fiduciary, we can help. Our oversight system is rigorous and we ensure that all records are maintained according ERISA Regulations. Let us help you in “doing the right thing” for your employee/participants.

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