Our Services
How We Reduce
Plan Sponsor Risk by 90%
You sponsor a 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) Plan. Unless you entrust to others, IN WRITING, your fiduciary responsibilities, YOU are the “Named Fiduciary” – the one legally responsible for keeping your Plan in compliance with ERISA’s “Best Practices” Regulations. This means you have corporate, and PERSONAL risk, if a governmental regulator, or plaintiff’s attorney, alleges you have not met ERISA’s fiduciary requirements.
If your expertise lies in a different area of the financial marketplace, you may need to ask yourself:
- Do you want to be the Named Fiduciary and Plan Administrator?
- Do you have the time?
- Do you have the expertise?
- Do you want the liability?
If you’re unsure of any of these topics, there’s no need to worry. Fiduciary Wise can handle the responsibility for you! When you delegate this task to us, we provide the following:
- Over 90% of the ERISA-required Fiduciary duties leave your shoulders.
- You can terminate us at any time, with no penalty.
- We never compete with your other service providers. We work as a team for you and your employee/participants.
- Our fees are reasonable–and will save your retirement plan money on many occasions.
We Sign Your
IRS Form 5500
(Your Annual Return)
Fiduciary Wise will annually review and approve your Plan’s IRS Form 5500. The following points are evaluated for accuracy including:
- Corporate data completeness
- Participant accounts reconciled
- IRS 5500 Form reconciled to your Plan’s financial statements
- Verify the proper Plan “codes”
- Review all applicable schedules, including Schedule C and 8955-SSA
- Review your Plan’s required Summary Annual Report (SAR)
We certify the submitted information is consistent with relevant supporting documentation. We will also sign as the Plan Administrator and submit your annual Form 5500 to the IRS. You, as the Employer, will no longer need to sign this document.

We Certify Your Plan Annually
Fiduciary Wise acts both as your plan’s “Named Fiduciary” and “Plan Administrator.”
Pension Administrative Committee (PAC) Meetings
We manage the ERISA fiduciary process by conducting and moderating semi-annual Pension Administrative Committee (PAC) Meetings. Our internal checklist is reviewed and discussed at each meeting. We then document these meetings with formal minutes and audio recordings. Our proprietary checklist ensures that all essential duties are completed to keep your Plan safe, efficient, and meeting ERISA’s “Highest Standards.”
Regular agenda items we cover at each PAC Meeting:
- The IRS Form 5500 is reviewed and certified, with fees and services regularly benchmarked.
- Each Committee Member verifies that they are aware of no breaches of fiduciary responsibility.
- Service Providers report on delegated responsibilities.
- Review and approve minutes from previous PAC meeting and review all action items.
- Fiduciary Training and industry updates.