Author Archives for admin

3(16) Fiduciary Advisor

Roles of A 3(16) Fiduciary Advisor

April 22, 2021 8:51 pm Published by Comments Off on Roles of A 3(16) Fiduciary Advisor

Every 401(k) plan is required by law to officially appoint a “plan administrator” under Section 3(16) of ERISA. This typically creates two problems for Plan Sponsors – Most are unaware that this position is NOT being held the Plan’s Third-Party Administrator (TPA) It is most likely that their Plan names the “Employer” as the Plan [...]

ERISA Fiduciary

Benefits of an ERISA Fiduciary Near You

February 15, 2021 6:26 pm Published by Comments Off on Benefits of an ERISA Fiduciary Near You

Under ERISA, Plan Fiduciaries, typically Employer/Plan Sponsor employees, are charged with authority over your Plan’s management. Plan fiduciaries include the Plan administrator under §3(16) of ERISA, Plan Trustees under §403 of ERISA, and the Plan Committee under §402(a) of ERISA. Our primary role in overseeing your Plan is acting in the sole interest of your [...]

Why You Should Hire A Retirement Plan Fiduciary In Salt Lake City

December 28, 2020 9:40 pm Published by Comments Off on Why You Should Hire A Retirement Plan Fiduciary In Salt Lake City

Why is it important to hire a fiduciary for your 401(k) or 403(b) Plan? Well, you want to be sure that the advice you are getting is solely in the best interests of your Plan Participants and Beneficiaries. To begin with, one of the most important reasons why you need a professional fiduciary is to [...]

ERISA Plan Fiduciary Advisor To Consider

December 8, 2020 9:22 pm Published by Comments Off on ERISA Plan Fiduciary Advisor To Consider

All fiduciaries, by federal law, must act solely in the interest of their participants and beneficiaries. Being a 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) Plan Sponsor/fiduciary can be challenging. Federal law also says that if you feel you do not have the expertise yourself, you must seek out outside experts who DO have the proper expertise. We [...]

fiduciary financial advisor

Hiring A CEO for your 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) Plan

October 21, 2020 7:18 pm Published by Comments Off on Hiring A CEO for your 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) Plan

ERISA requires a retirement plan Sponsor to be legally, and personally, liable for making “prudent” decisions regarding every aspect of his or her Plan. As an Employer, you know how to make your business grow; that is your passion. However, do you know, or do you WANT to know, how to make “prudent” day-to-day decisions [...]

Fiduciary In Gilbert AZ

A Brief Overview – Characteristics Of A Fiduciary In Gilbert AZ

September 23, 2020 9:13 pm Published by Comments Off on A Brief Overview – Characteristics Of A Fiduciary In Gilbert AZ

If you have come across the term fiduciary, you may have wondered whether this is the type of professional service provider that you need for your 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) Plan? In the broadest sense, a “fiduciary” is legally responsible for managing or controlling the assets of another. Read further to learn more about a [...]


Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Speak With an Independent Fiduciary in Gilbert AZ

August 24, 2020 8:22 pm Published by Comments Off on Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Speak With an Independent Fiduciary in Gilbert AZ

Whether your goal is to buy a new home or to save a substantial amount of money for ensuring a comfortable retirement, it is important to have knowledgeable guidance to help you along the way. If you are looking for proven strategies for building wealth within your 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) retirement plan, now is [...]

Benefits Of An ERISA 401(k) Plan Fiduciary In Phoenix

July 10, 2020 4:42 pm Published by Comments Off on Benefits Of An ERISA 401(k) Plan Fiduciary In Phoenix

If you’re looking for help with competent and expert fiduciary oversight for your employee retirement plan, our professionals can assist. At Fiduciary Wise, we ensure that your participant’s best interests always come first. For an ERISA 401(k) plan fiduciary in Phoenix that you can trust, we’ll stand with you. As the employer, you are charged [...]

Independent Fiduciary Gilbert

The Benefits Of Having an Independent Fiduciary as part of your 401(k) Plan In Gilbert

June 12, 2020 5:55 pm Published by Comments Off on The Benefits Of Having an Independent Fiduciary as part of your 401(k) Plan In Gilbert

If you’re concerned about your retirement plan, you should be – whether a rank-and-file worker or a corporate executive. Countless Americans have worked and saved hard all their lives, only to struggle after exiting the workforce. After your investment of energy and time, you should be able to enjoy your golden years in luxury and [...]

Independent Fiduciary Denver

Advantages of An Independent 401(k) Plan Fiduciary in Denver area

May 26, 2020 7:13 pm Published by Comments Off on Advantages of An Independent 401(k) Plan Fiduciary in Denver area

If you’re looking for independent fiduciary advice for your business and your 401(k) or ERISA 403(b) Plan, you’ll want to partner with an entity that has received high marks across the board. At Fiduciary Wise, we are required by law to put the needs of your participants first. As an independent fiduciary in the Denver [...]